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SSK Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Address | Widang Hall #428, 50 Yonsei-ro, Yonsei University, Shinchon-dong, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, Korea
Contact | yk.jeong@yonsei.ac.kr
| http://informatics.yonsei.ac.kr/tsmm/yk_jeong.html
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Text Mining, Network Analysis, Information Diffusion, Bibliometrics, SNA, Web Mining,
Bio-informatics, Scholarly Communication
Ph.D, Department of Library and Information Science, Yonsei University
September 2013 August 2017
Visiting Doctoral Student, Indiana University (February 2016 August 2016)
Dissertation Title: A data-driven analysis of antisocial comments in online news
M.A., Department of Library and Information Science, Yonsei University
March 2011 August 2013
Thesis Title: An author co-citation analysis based on text mining of information science
B.A., Department of Library and Information Science, Yonsei University
B.S., Department of Applied Statistics, Yonsei University
March 2005 February 2011
Minister's Citation for 2014 BK21+ Best Students
(BK21 플러스 사업 우수 참여대학원생 부총리 교육부장관 표창)
February 12. 2015
Graduate School of Yonsei University Best Paper Award
with the paper titled "Trajectory analysis of drug-research trends in pancreatic cancer
on PubMed and ClinicalTrials.gov"
(연세대학교 우수논문상)
November 23. 2016
Graduate School of Yonsei University Best Paper Award
with the paper titled "Content based author co-citation analysis"
(연세대학교 우수논문상)
November 27. 2014
[J.7] Kim, H. J., Jeong, Y. K., & Song, M. (2016). Content- and proximity-based author
co-citation analysis using citation sentences. Journal of Informetrics, 10(4), 954-
966. (SSCI)
[J.6] Jeong, Y. K., Heo, G. E., Kang, K. Y., Yoon, D. S. & Song, M. (2016). Trajectory
analysis of drug-research trends in pancreatic cancer on PubMed and
ClinicalTrials.gov. Journal of Infometrics, 10(1), 273-285. (SSCI)
[J.5] Kim, H. J., Jeong, Y. K., Kim, Y., Kang, K. Y. & Song, M. (2015). Topic-based Content
and Sentiment Analysis of Ebola Virus on Twitter and in the News. Journal of
Information Science. (Online early view) (SSCI)
[J.4] Song, M., Jeong, Y. K., & Kim, H. J. (2015). Identifying the topology of the K-pop
video community on YouTube: A combined co-comment analysis approach,
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology. 66, 2580-2595.
[J.3] Kim, M. C., Jeong, Y. K., & Song, M. (2014). Investigating the integrated landscape
of the intellectual topology of bioinformatics. Scientometrics, 101(1), 309-335.
[J.2] Song, M., Kim, M. C., & Jeong, Y. K. (2014). Analyzing the Political Landscape of
2012 Korean Presidential Election in Twitter. Intelligent Systems, IEEE, 29(2), 18-26.
[J.1] Jeong, Y. K., Song, M., & Ding, Y. (2014). Content-based author co-citation
analysis. Journal of Informetrics, 8(1), 197-211. (SSCI)
* Journal of Informetrics’s top 5 downloaded articles
* Data: Please contact me by email.
[K.2] Jin, K. S., Kim, S. Y., Jeong, Y. K., Song, H. J., & Song, M. (2017). Attitudes towards
sexual comments in group texting. The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology,
22(2), 289-313.
(진경선, 김수연, 정유경, 송현주, 송민. (2017). 단체카톡방 언어성폭력에 대한 태도 연구.
. 22(2), 289-313.)
[K.1] Jin, S.A., Heo, G. E., Jeong, Y. K., & Song, M. (2013). Topic-Network based topic
shift detection on Twitter. Journal of the Korean Society for Information
Management, 30(1), 285-302.
(진설아, 허고은, 정유경, 송민. (2013). 트위터 데이터를 이용한 네트워크 기반 토픽 변화
추적 연구.
, 30(1), 285-302.)
[C.6] Jeong, Y. K. (2017). An exploration of the collaborative topic analysis adopting a
spatial scientometric approach in Korean LIS researches. In Proceedings of the
Korean Society for Information Management Conference 2017.
[C.5] Kim, H. J. & Jeong, Y. K. (2017). Learning-based Automatic Keyphrase Indexing
from Korean Scientific LIS Articles. In Proceedings of the Korean Society for
Information Management Conference 2017.
[C.4] Kim, H. J., An, J., Jeong, Y. K., & Song, M. (2016). Exploring the Leading Authors
and Journals in Major Topics by Citation Sentences and Topic Modeling. In
BIRNDL@ JCDL (pp. 42-50).
[C.3] Jeong, Y. K. & Song, M. (2015). Applying content-based similarity measure to
author co-citation analysis. In Proceedings of iConference 2016.
[C.2] Kim, S. Y., Jeong, Y. K. & Song, M. (2015). An Experimental Study on Construction
of a Sentiment Dictionary for Sentiment Classification of Korean Texts. In
Proceedings of the Korean Library and Information Science Society Conference. (pp.
143-150) Best Paper Awards
(김수연, 정유경, 송민. (2015). 한글 감성 분류를 위한 감성 사전 구축에 관한 실험적 연구
한국도서관정보학회, 143-150)
[C.1] Jeong, Y. K. (2012). A study of citation analysis and journal indicators for journal
evaluation. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Webometrics,
Informetrics and Scientometrics & 13th COLLNET Meeting 2012. (pp. 340-347).
[P.3] Jeong, Y. K., Heo, G. E., Kang, K. Y., Yoon, D. S., & Song, M. (2015, October).
Analyzing the Landscape of Anti-Cancer Drug Research in Pancreatic Cancer. In
Proceedings of the ACM Ninth International Workshop on Data and Text Mining in
Biomedical Informatics (pp. 24-24). ACM.
[P.2] Jeong, Y. K., Lee, D. H., Han, N.-G., Kim, W. C. & Song, M. (2014). Biomedical
Named Entity Recognition based on the Combination of Regional and Global Text
Features. In Proceedings of the ACM 8th International Workshop on Data and Text
Mining in Bioinformatics (DTMBIO@CIKM 2014) (p.33). ACM.
[P.1] Jeong, Y. K., Lee, D. H., & Song, M. (2014). An Exploration of the Collaborative
Networks for Clinical and Academic Domains in AIDS Research: A Spatial
Scientometric Approach. In Proceedings of the ACM 8th International Workshop on
Data and Text Mining in Bioinformatics (DTMBIO@CIKM 2014) (p.5). ACM.
[W.3] Workshop on Information Retrieval and Big Data Analytics (Feb. 17. 2017)
Title: An exploratory study of user commenting behavior in online news
[W.2] Workshop on Social Media and Bio Text Analytics (December 12, 2014)
Title: A Landscape of Cancer Drug-Chemical Family Evolution in Pancreatic
[W.1] 2014 Data Science Workshop & Asia-Pacific iSchool Conference (December 4,
Title: Identifying the Topology of the K-pop Video Community on YouTube: A
Combined Co-comment Analysis Approach
DB: MySQL, Oracle, SQLite, Neo4j
Programing Language: Java, R, Python
Tools: SAS, SPSS (Statistical tools), Gephi, Pajek, NetMiner, UCINET (Visualization tools)
Proficiency in Micro Office Programs Engineer Information Processing, MOS
Web Design (HTML, CSS, MySQL, Adobe Photoshop)
Building Community Cohesion through Enhancing Citizenship Behaviors
National Research Foundation of Korea
November 1, 2015 - present
Multi-facet Text-mining System Development for MCMT Analysis
Bio-Synergy Research Center
November 1, 2013 August 31, 2015
Big Data-based Future Model of Knowledge Service
National Research Foundation of Korea
September 1, 2013 August 31, 2015
Long-term Management Strategies for Repository of National Assembly Library of
The National Assembly Library of the Republic of Korea
May 16, 2012 September 14, 2012
Production for public library manual
Seoul Metropolitan Government
August 10, 2011 December 27, 2011
Introduction of Text Processing (Spring 2017, 2018)
Dept. of LIS, Yonsei Universtiy
This course allows students to learn and hands on the core components of text
processing. In addition, it provides the fundamental knowledge and the state-of-the-art
techniques for students to take advanced courses such as Information Retrieval and
Text Mining.
Information Media (Spring 2018)
Graduate School of Education, Yonsei Universtiy
Information Retrieval (Fall, 2016)
Dept. of LIS, Hansung Universtiy
This course focuses on theories, models, and techniques associated with information
retrieval (IR) systems. Basic structure, design and operations of the IR systems are also
Bicycle riding Traveling Coding