Biography Prof. Song has a background in Text Mining, Bioinfomatics, Information Retrieval and Information Visualization. Prior to Yonsei, he was an Associate Professor with tenure in the Department of Information Systems at New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT). At NJIT, he received several grants from NSF and IMLS and published a number of papers in the Text Mining research area. Before joining NJIT, Professor Song worked at Thomson Scientific (now Thomson Reuters). At Thomson, the major responsibilities were to develop Knowledge Management tools, middleware components, and the search engine for citation database. His recent work in Text Mining addresses automatic database selection, entity and relation extraction, high speed document filtering, algorithms that learn a person's information needs from experience, automatic analysis of gathered information. He is also involved in a variety of information visualization projects. Prof. Song is also interested in information and knowledge management in large organizations. He is currently interested in applying Text Mining algorithms to Bioinformatics and Social Media. Education
MS. School of Library and Information Science, Indiana University
Department of
Library and
Science, Yonsei
Department of Library
and Information Science,
Yonsei, 2016 March - Associate
Professor, Department of
Library and Information
Science, Yonsei
2012 - 2016 February Associate
Professor, Department of
Information Systems,
NJIT 2011 Fall -
2012 February Assistant
Professor, Department of
Information System, NJIT
2006 - 2011 Spring Senior
Software Engineer,
Thomson Reuters 1999 -
2015 Best
Research Award at
Yonsei 2013 Best Paper
Award at EDB 13
Editor Editorial
Board Members Online
Journal of
Bioinformatics Journal of
Data and Information
Science International
Journal of Data Mining
and Bioinformatics