Research Interests
Text Mining, Network Analysis, SNA, Web Mining, Bio-informatics, Information Visualization, Bibliometrics, Text Categorization, Metadata
Ph. D.
Department of Library and Information Science, Yonsei University
September 2006 – August 2014
Thesis Title: Domain Analysis of Bioinformatics Using the Ontology-based Concept Network
Department of Library and Information Science, Yonsei University
March 2003 – August 2006
Thesis Title: A Study on Generating a Set of Association Terms Using Mining Techniques
Department of Library and Information Science, Duksung Women's University
March 1999 – February 2003
Journal Papers
Kim, S.Y., Song, S.J. & Song, M. (2015). Investigation of Topic Trends in Computer and Information Science by Text Mining Techniques: From the Perspective of Conferences in DBLP. Journal of the Korean Library and Information Science Society, 32(1), 135-152. (KCI)
Song, M., Kim, S.Y., Zhang, G., Ding, Y., & Chambers, T. (2014). Productivity and influence in bioinformatics: A bibliometric analysis using PubMed central. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 65(2), 352-371. (SSCI)
Song, M., Heo, G. E., & Kim, S.Y.(2014). Analyzing topic evolution in bioinformatics: investigation of dynamics of the field with conference data in DBLP. Scientometrics, 101 (1), 397-428. (SSCI)
Song, M.,& Kim, S.Y. (2013). Detecting the knowledge structure of bioinformatics by mining full-text collections. Scientometrics, 96(1), 183-201. (SSCI)
Ham, J.E.,Kim, S.Y., Kim, M.C., & Song, M. (2013). Investigation into the existence of the indexer effect in key phrase extraction. Information Research, 18(4). (SSCI)
Conference Papers
김수연.(2016). 한글 감정어 사전을 이용한 자동 감정 분류에 관한 연구. Workshop on Information Management & Big Data Analysis (2016.2.27-2.28), 2016년 한국정보관리학회 동계 워크숍. (pp. 49-69).
김수연. (2015) 텍스트마이닝 기법을 이용한 생물정보학 분야 지식구조 분석. 52nd KLA General Conference (2015.10.21-10.23), 2015년 한국문헌정보학회 추계학술대회
Kim, S.Y., Jeong, Y.K. & Song, M.(2015). An Experimental Study on Construction of a Sentiment Dictionary for Sentiment Classification of Korean texts.
KLISS 2015 In Proceedings of the Winter International Conference "Library and Information Science: Communication, Sharing, and Empathy". (pp. 143-150).
김수연, 정유경 & 송민 (2015) 한글 감성 분류를 위한 감성 사전 구축에 관한 실험적 연구
, 143-150.)
우수상 수상
Kim, S.Y. & Song, M.(2012). Understanding dynamics of the field of information science with text mining techniques. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics & 13th COLLNET Meeting 2012. (pp. 23-26).
Yang, C., Tang, X., Song, M.,& Kim, S.Y.(2012). A trend analysis of domain-specific literatures with content and co-author network similarity. The 14th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries (ICADL 2012).