Possibility to find the theory of the Korean change
There are some distinct if we look the words which have to be modified from wrong word to right word. First of all, people tend to write the word in the way they can easily infer. For example, wrong word ‘귓볼’ (earlobe) consists of ‘귓’ and ‘볼’. ‘귓’ means ear in Korean and ‘볼’ means cheek. In this context, people may use ‘귓볼’ more than ‘귓불’, which is the right word, but the character ‘불’ means fire in Korean, so it is hard to infer human part. Wrong word ‘찰지다’ (sticky) is another example for this explanation because ‘찰’ is the character used for sticky rice cake, 찰떡, so it is used much more than Right word ‘차지다’. In addition, people tend to write the words as they pronounce. Wrong words – 겨땀 (armpit sweat), 씨부리다 (talk about), 우겨넣다(squeeze)- are the example for this phenomenon. The right words of them are 곁땀, 씨불이다, 욱여넣다. There are final consonant in the right words, but not in the wrong words. It is hard to pronounce all of final consonants, so people usually pronounce the words have final consonants smoothly. It seems that this tendency affects to orthography a lot. Like this, this project could be used to detect new Korean language theory or to prove existing theory.