Yong Hwan Kim

Email : kimyonghwan@yonsei.ac.kr


Ph.D Student at the Department of Library and Information Science, Yonsei University.
I received M.A./B.A. in Library and Information Science and B.L. in Law from Yonsei University.
My research interests are Text-Mining, Bio-Literature Mining, Bio-Informatics, Natural Language Processing, Database.
I am currently interested in Bio-Literature Mining.


Ph. D. Student

Department of Library and Information Science, Yonsei University
September 2013–Present


Department of Library and Information Science, Yonsei University
September 2008– August 2012

B.S. | B.L.

Department of Library and Information Science, Yonsei University
September 2006– August 2008

Department of Law, Yonsei University
March 2000– August 2006


Journal Papers

Kim, Y.H., Baek, S.H., Charidimou, A., Song, M. (2016). Discovering new genes as a common trigger for pertinent diseases, Journal of Alzheimer's Disease (SCI)

Kim, Y. H., Lee, D., Han, N. G., & Song, M. (2014). Exploring characteristics of video consuming behaviour in different social media using K-pop videos. Journal of Information Science, 0165551514551498.(SCI)

Song, M., Han, N. G., Kim, Y. H., Ding, Y., & Chambers, T. (2013). Discovering implicit entity relation with the gene-citation-gene network.(SCI)

Domestic Journal Papers

Kim, Y. H., & Chung, Y. M. (2012). An Experimental Study on Feature Selection Using Wikipedia for Text Categorization. Journal of the Korean Society for information Management, 29(2), 155-171.

Kim, Y., & Park, J. (2009). Exploring the SNS-User Behaviors of Social Networking with Strangers. Proceedings of Korea Society of Informaion Management Summer Conference 2009.

Conference Paper

Song, S. J., Heo, G. E., Kim, H. J., Jung, H. J., Kim, Y. H., & Song, M. (2014, November). Grounded Feature Selection for Biomedical Relation Extraction by the Combinative Approach. In Proceedings of the ACM 8th International Workshop on Data and Text Mining in Bioinformatics (pp. 29-32). ACM.


Kim, H. J., Song, S. J., Kim, Y. H., & Song, M. (2014, November). A Display of Conceptual Structures in the Epidemiologic Literature. In Proceedings of the ACM 8th International Workshop on Data and Text Mining in Bioinformatics (pp. 35-35). ACM.

Kim, Y., Lee, D., Hahm, J. E., Han, N., & Song, M. (2014, April). Investigating socio-cultural behavior of users reflected in different social channels on K-pop. In Proceedings of the companion publication of the 23rd international conference on World wide web companion (pp. 325-326). International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee.